DS 625: The Weekly Roll

Countless takes on the RPG genre have shown us that infusing a custom-made adventure with humor is almost always a hit. The world of Malcolm “ME_T” Thulin’s The Weekly Roll is full of gut-busting moments inspired by a cast of characters you will simultaneously want to grab a beer with and stay as far from as humanly possible.


DS 624: The Glass Scientists

Marlon Brando and a friend sit on the set of The Island of Dr. Moreau

We’ve pulled you off the streets and introduced you to The Society for Arcane Scientists and Mr. Hyde and I hope your stay is full of adventure and ingenuity! Sabrina Cotungo’s The Glass Scientists has captured our many successes and fiery failures and I think you’ll agree that it’s extremely dangerous for you to remain here. Can we retreat into Hyde’s mind prison for safety? Oh, and stay out of Dr. Frankenstein’s quarters, she’s a bit of a pill, that one.


DS 623: Fireweed Moors

The world of Gato Iberico’s Fireweed Moors appears to be full of mystery. We can’t wait to get the answer to questions like why do you have a cat head and are those magical birds forming that portal to who knows where? While you wait for those answers, and more, listen to our review to understand why we’re excited to read more!


DS 622: 2020 Was a Delight (for Webcomics)!

Before greeting 2021 with (mostly) open arms, we look back to an amazing year in webcomics. We remember great works like Realm of Owls, Under the Lion, Extra Fabulous Comics, Ten Earth Shattering Blows, Plum, Live With Yourself, Scurry, Knucklejelly, Urban Animal, Patrik the Vampire, Alice and the Nightmare, Lunar Baboon, and many others. Celebrate with us before we permanently put that garbage fire of a year in the rear view.
