Episode 364: Big Bang or Better? (Review feat. PLOX)

Chili cheese fries with nacho cheeseJason wants cheese fries and Steve is no help (nacho cheese on your fries is the first and worst mistake you can make). To satisfy your webcomics cravings, we chat briefly about Agnes Quill and Skullchaser before dissecting the gamer-centric comic, PLOX. Speaking of dissecting, the bug talk in the midshow gets creepy and gnarly. You’ve been warned.

Our midshow features the track, “Immune To All” from the album, Metal Works.


Episode 363: French Fried Tatums (Book Club feat. Digger – Vol. 3)

Silver SurferIt’s World Cup time, and we care about the U.S. team’s chances in this year’s tournament! Until they lose, of course. Then we go back to not caring about soccer, along with every other American sports fan. One thing we will always care about is the comic, Digger. After we chat briefly about Solo and Samurai Genji, we go deep and discover more charming things about this can’t-miss piece of work.

The midshow music comes to us from “Sunken Secrets“, a track off the Super Mario remix album, Portrait of a Plumber. Check it out!


Episode 362: Never Judge A Book By It’s Horned, Winged Cover (Review feat. Demon Kings)

Teen Titans Go! on Cartoon NetworkWonder Twin powers… ACTIVATE! Form of… webcomics podcast! When we’re done waxing nostalgic about the relative ancient history of comic book-inspired animated TV series, we take turns peeking at Star Spun and Doctor Magnifico. After a break involving creating yet another character for Jason to live vicariously through, we help fight the good fight on the side of the GOOD demons as we review Demon Kings. Listen in, because demons are people, too.

Midshow music: “The Place That Won’t Take Me Back” by I Am Not Lefthanded.


Episode 361: It’s Always Weird When Lizards Have Boobs (Review feat. House of Orr)

Steven Universe's cat fingersWe’re living in the Golden Age of cartoons not made exclusively for children! Take in our recommendations and enjoy! Also, listen as Jason marks out for Tagged! and Steve lightly sketches in his thoughts for Home Time. Then, it’s time to gather your group and join the cause, as our guild reviews House of Orr.

Our midshow music is “Fresh From The Sewers” and it comes from the stellar, absolutely-free album from Overclocked Remix, featuring the hits you know and love from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games of old. Check out Shell Shocked and download your copy today!
