DS 673: DPS Only!

The cast of Dazed and Confused stands together in a hallway

In our first review of 2022, we look at DPS Only!, a comic by Velinxi, which caught our eye thanks to the esports gaming setting and kept us hooked with drama and relationships that we truly cared about. This story also inspired talk about the role of sexism in gaming, a subject we admit to being ill-equipped to say much about. Also, is creepy older male captain creepy? Steve files his report. All that, plus new focuses for reviews in the new year!


DS 641: Countdown to Countdown

We’ve got a bit of news about KC Green that should continue his plans for Internet comic supremacy accordingly, this time claiming the Comics Kingdom as his own with a new home for Funny Online Animals! Once we’ve paid our proper respects, it’s time to hide our superpowers, lest they get us killed, in Velinxi’s harsh reality fantasy story, Countdown to Countdown. Which flower would you be, and why is that almost certainly a terrible decision, no matter which one you choose? Listen to our review and then read the comic to find out for yourself!
