Strong Female Characters Is The Best Heroine-Starring Comic Of The Last Millenium

As a long-time reader of male-centered superhero comics, I found it to be a personal affront to stomach the commentary at play in the Beaton/Gran/Monardo joint, Strong Female Characters. Hardest to swallow is the fact that, regardless of the skintight leather and fishnet tights these bomb-blasting bombshells don whenever a crime is perpetrated, underneath they are all just really, really, really stereotypical cutouts written and drawn by men who have convinced themselves that they know how to convey the intricacies of the female condition in just a few panels of long legs, emaciated waistlines, and heaving, almost comical bustlines.

These three female creators, on the other hand, have decided to take these men to task by lampooning that which they have crafted. While perusing all the SFC goodness (and there is hopefully more to come), remember: under all those boy shorts and plunging neckline tops, these women hurt just like the rest of us.

And yet it cuts like a knife

Strong Female Characters, Kate Beaton – Hark A Vagrant
