DS 594: A Real Lame, Blue Collar Goblin

You’d think a fellow who trains mythic and fantastic creatures would have a higher status than a blue collar schmoe with friends named Garth and Kevin, but that’s exactly where Ulrick, the titular character of Mythic Creature Trainer by Rene Pfitzner, lives. But will he be any help when the invading orcs arrive? Read the comic and listen to our review to find out (not really, we don’t know yet, but read and listen anyways).


DS 517: Death, Very Sneaky Death

Pretty sneaky, sis kid from Connect Four commercialAre you a troll, or are you a goblin? While you consider that question, join us in giving a fond farewell to the most professional of felines, Business Cat, whose final comic has now posted. However, there’s much to celebrate as we take a look at the murky depths of Deeply Dave and the fantastical chicanery of Sneaky Goblins.
