The other 1% – CAW4HW about to hit its hundredth week.

A little over a year ago, Steve and Jason stumbled across a comic with a fascinating concept and an unpronounceable name.

CAW4HW, by Jawkly.

Now, ninety-nine weeks after it first began, the Comic a Week for a Hundred Weeks project by Jawkly is about to come to a close.

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DS 506: Caw For Haw By Jawkly

Hee-HawThis episode is all about CAW4HW, or A Comic a Week For a Hundred Weeks, or Caw For Haw. No matter what you call it, you’re bound to laugh at a few of the jokes creator Jawkly has here. Steve and Jason discuss their favorite gags, as well as a possible future for the comic and hope for continued comics from Jawkly.
