DS 534: Burns So Good

Montgomery Burns from The Simpsons lies sick in the hospital, attended by his manservant, Smithers

Webcomics live so long as we, the fans (and erstwhile creators) share them with others and grow the community. To that end, Jason showed someone Hop Dude and they … appreciated it? And now he has a new one to share with The Square Comics, home of the sick burn and … well, not much else. But it does that one thing really, really, scorchingly well.


DS 533: Surprise! Love, The Internet

Mario is being mean to Yoshi

In celebration of Mar10 (Mario Day!), we took a look at the Mario-like hop.dude by Dave Mercier. It’s … weird, and subversive, with characters you know and love from the world of Nintendo, but who you’ve never actually truly met. There’s no real way to describe this comic, so go view it on Instagram and judge for yourself.
