Episode 443: Call Me Al?

Richard Karn as Al Borland from Home ImprovementJason wants to talk about his time with the Overwatch beta, while Steve is hung up on Paul Simon tunes. Luckily, there is room for both on this podcast! However, there is not enough room in their precious lives for all the webcomics of the world, so it’s time for another Webcomic Colonic! On the chopping block this time are some fine comics, including Monsieur Charlatan, Judecca, Garfield Minus Garfield, PLOX, Hominids, and Unicorn Soup. Stay tuned after the outro to find out how Steve narrowly avoided being peed on as a youth.


Episode 368: So Charismatic, He Punches Lions In The Face (Review feat. Hominids)

The Rock is The Tooth FairyThe question this podcast tries to answer: What is the greatest bad movie starring The Rock? Make your voices known! While we mull that one over, we also briefly discuss Intelligent Life and Krig Rwar (yes, Steve is forever banned from saying comic titles on this podcast) and then get into some tribal fighting with Hominids. Pick your side wisely (hint: one has constantly topless females).

Midshow music: “Academical Futility” by ElectroLatrine (off the album Water Closet Electronic Music Project, natch)
