About iank

Ian has studied Latin, German, Classical Greek, French, Linguistics, and Theater. When he was a kid he wanted to be a dinosaur and, later, an English teacher. At some point, this proved unfeasible and so he went on to be a juggler, a musician, a bartender, an inventory manager, and, once, an efficiency consultant. He has loved comics since he wanted to be a dinosaur and his love continues to this very day, from Alan Moore\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Miracle Man (nee Marvel Man) to the Far Side. He even makes some of his own.


Alexander Danner, leading the pack in infiniter canvas comics with 5 Ways to Love a Cockroach has compiled a list of webcomics which are complete.

Full Story launched December 1st and has been visited thousands of times already. Full Story is a webcomics memorial and it stands as a testament to all the webcomics which have ended. Not stopped. Ended. Every comic there ends: no cliffhangers, no incomplete works abandoned halfway through, no ongoing serials without an end in sight. If the full story isn’t available, then you won’t find it there.

Remember the Fallen



Congratulations to Jerry & Brenna on the birth of Elliot Jacob Holkins.

Balancing the arrival of joy and music into Tycho’s life (in spite of Gabe’s proclaimed efforts to keep him as dour an miserable as possible) we must say farewell to Greg Holkan, artist of Gossamer Commons and Other Good Works.

Gossamer Commons is a webcomic written by Eric Burns and he does a great job maintaining a compelling narrative episodically while Bringing the Funny.

I look forward to seeing what’s in store for the next chapter and how the new artist holds up under terrifying scrutiny.


…He Is This Lightning, He Is This Madness!

Brian Hart’s Disassemblance, a most excellent webcomic with 3 years of archives under its belt, some great web-utilizing peripherals, great character design, and which consistently “brings the funny” (or alternatively the story or ‘point’) is going to be in print. the Free Press, the University of Southern Maine’s school paper, will be picking it up in what Brian refers to as “the future.” A magical place, by all accounts.


Please Do Not Go Up The Slide

A new collective is storming the interweb and they call themselves Playground Ghosts. Steve Hogan, Colleen AF Venable, Chris Dlugosz, Chris Yates, and David Malki have decided, collectively, that the internet didn’t have enough awesome and so Playground Ghosts was formed.

I regularly read Chris, Colleen, and David’s comics. I do not read Steve or Chris Dlugosz’s, but if Yates, Venable, & Malki are associating with them on purpose and loudly, I’m certainly going to start.

the Playground Ghosts are–

Acid Keg (Steve Hogan)

Fluff in Brooklyn (Colleen AF Venable)

Pixel (Chris Dlugosz)

Reprographics (Chris Yates)

Wondermark (David Malki !)

PS: Colleen, you should have said “and I’ll form the head.”

Here I Dreamed I Was a Snarchitect

Congratulations and what the kids are calling ‘Mad Props’ to Eric Burns and Greg Holkan for their Centennial Strip together on Gossamer Commons.

Also, if you go to websnark, which is Eric’s website, you can read all about anything I might have posted here. Why? Because Eric is that good…

I’ll get you yet, Burns!

I will do a quick bulletin list, though, because we like bullets at Digital Strips, even though I don’t think Zampzon Continue reading


Tom Sawyer Says He Likes Things All Mixed Up

‘the Kennedy Tales’ gets picked up by Graphic Smash bringing some cred to Eyeskream who are, incidentally, taking submissions through the end of the month.

Joey Manley’s plans to experiment with the untapped adult comics market using the WCN business model have been upset by prospective consequences for eating poop.

Are webcomics artists drawn to the Direct Market like Conan to steel? Joey wants to know.

And that’s your steaming pile for Monday.


This Is a Stub

When there is no news, Penny Arcade seems to make some. The boys made it into Forbes. And they’re just an independent comic on the ‘web. What’s next for the boys in clothes?

If you’re in the 5 Colleges/Easthampton area and are interested in helping out Jeff Rowland, of TopatoCo/Dumbrella, needs some help. Contact work–aaaat–wigu.com for the tails. More info here. It may be good for you.
