DS 697: Review of ChickenPupPie

An image featuring the main family of characters in the Little Critter book series

We give our Instagram feeds a much needed cleanse and decide which of us would be a skunk and which would be a gazelle in the animalistically cute journal-ish comic, ChickenPupPie by a creator of the same name on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 696: Review of Isle of Elsi

The album cover to the album, Mr. A-Z by Jason Mraz

We give up on school and work odd jobs before deciding to take on the bully dragon to save our town and avoid the wizard and his weird closet with our review of the wordplay-loving Isle of Elsi by Alex Longstreth on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 695: Review of Devil’s Candy

Richard Gere holds Debra Winger in his arms from the most popular scene of the 1980's movie, An Officer and a Gentleman

We head to demon school and build a sweet manga lady for a class project while getting into all sorts of well-intentioned trouble with our review of Rem and Bikkuri’s Devil’s Candy on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 694: Review of Brainchild

John Candy as Barf looks perplexed or worried in Spaceballs

We briefly take the Eisner’s to task for their webcomic nominees in the 2022 awards before smacking our heads and going on a beautifully terrifying trip with Suzanne Geary’s Brainchild on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!
