DS 633: Station Square

Brin and Sven are lazy bounty hunters who need to pay rent, so they go looking for trouble and find more than they bargained for! Along the way, the leads of Eric Lide’s Station Square meet Nem, Grinder, Edwin, Davan, Shade, Gazzo, Mad AND Vlad the Swine, Sunhild, Ardent, and other characters that sound like Muppets. It’s a shonen comic that gets better with age and features a fight longer than many marriages last these days. Get off the couch and don’t miss it!


DS 632: Vainglorious

In Vainglorious, Hammer (yes, his name is Hammer) wants to run away from his problems and responsibilities, but then Rei, a former dragon cursed with a human form, falls into his lap (almost literally) and the two become instant friends. Well no, not really, and that’s where the greatness of this comic comes from. Creator Kelly Bull (Sketches) takes us on a journey that is both fantastic and fun, with plenty of hilarious facial expressions and bombastic fantasy along the way.


DS 631: Elf & Warrior

It’s time for a new quest, and Basri and Hector, the titular Elf & Warrior from the comic by AC Stuart and Victor Rosas II, are looking for new members to join them in search of adventure and fame. Are you a mimic with an insatiable need to be full? How about a sentient tree stump with a dark side? Anyone call for a pug/goblin race with relationship issues? Sign up here today, because based on the hijinks in this comic, everyone will be considered and most will make the cut!


DS 630: Black & Blue

In the world of Jason Clarke’s Black & Blue, nobody is having a good time, and yet somehow, in a Tarantino-esque fashion, he is able to create a comic that is very enjoyable to read. After a bit of news about one of Chris Grine’s properties being set for a big-screen turn, we delve into the seedy underworld that surrounds both humans and robots alike, and try to figure out just why this girl’s disembodied head is so darned special.
