Episode 426: Jake Lloyd Is A Bad Actor

Jake Lloyd in dream sequence from Jingle All The WayHo ho ho, Digital Strippers! We’re here with a holiday episode! Want to know which Christmas movies you’ve missed out on for all these years? The first segment will give you at least one that you can add to your holly jolly rotation. After that jovial distraction, it’s time to get down to the business of looking at some webcomics, including Agustina Guerrero, Space Case, Miranda Harmon’s slice-of-life journal comic, and ShootAround. Stick around after our outro (played, as always, by the amazing band, I Fight Dragons, for some theories about the behavior of drunk people and children, and why they might have more in common that you think. Happy holidays and thanks for listening!


Episode 425: Swiper No Swiping

Swiper from Dora the ExplorerThe moment we’ve all been waiting for is here! And Jason has the perfect advice to those waiting on long lines to awaken the Force! Also, did you know that ghosts are all around us? While you ponder that little nugget, check out the new webcomics list that Jason found, and the subsequent comics that are worth checking out from it, like The Immortal Nadia Greene and Starhammer. Steve also has a couple things to check out with Clockwork and Dead Heat. Stay tuned after the outro to hear Steve learn a very valuable lesson, Sesame Street-style.


Episode 424: Gettin’ Dirty With HH Gregg

Mascot for HHGreggThe commercial collusion of Black Friday and Cyber Monday has ended, and Jason is eager to share the spoils of his war on peace and goodwill towards men. When the bragging has died down, listen to the second segment which features a comic about more of the same in Teenage Gender Neutral Turtles (via Newsarama), the rantings of a madman who also just happens to be a cartoonist, and a tale of hockey, love, and love of hockey featured in Check, Please! (via A.V. Club) Tune back in after the outro to hear why Steve is puzzled by his latest blanket purchase.


Episode 423: Good and Moist

The Oatmeal comic about the word "moist"Back from Thanksgiving, where the turkey was lean and moist, the stuffing was rich and moist, and the gravy was hearty and … moist. If that doesn’t creep you out, check out why Steve can’t wait to get into Overwatch and how much he laments the fact that Jason already is. Also, webcomics! Jason loves lists so he runs down 7 Awesome Webcomics You Should Be Reading (and probably already are) while Steve delves deep into the Dwarf Fortress for a couple of picks. Listen in post-outro for a quick story about Steve’s wife, who happens to be Zhu-ish.
