Digital Strips Podcast 293 – Book Club – The Rack, Second Edition

This episode is all about standing tall! This could be in part because I was trying out a new standing recording station, or it could be … ok, it’s completely about that. Don’t worry, once the novelty wears off (I’m estimating somewhere around the halfway point between episodes 300 and 400) it won’t even come up.

Sticking to tradition, we both found something comics-y to talk about for our first segment:

The only news story that came to mind was one quickly alluded to on Twitter. Ryan Estrada announced there that the next collection for The Whole Story, the pay-what-you-want digital graphic novel collection that Estrada orchestrated and participated in (or single-handedly created, if Steve is to be believed) will launch on January 1 (13:22). You’ll want to put down as much as you can for this collection as indicated by The Whole Story’s Twitter account

Our next bundle is going to be launched on January 1st, and it will be so amazing you will pee your pants with joy.

If there’s one game series that will empty your bladder before you’re quite ready, it’s Castlevania (and Steve says my segues are terrible). Playing Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest well into the evening used to make me an incredibly jumpy young lad, something about the change from day to night was just so foreboding and and disquieting. So what better to help us jump from segment to segment than a remix of some classic sounds from the series?

Genre comics are tough to review, let alone Book Club (yep, that’s a verb now around these parts) and The Rack is proving that fact I just made up true. Among our questions and discussions in this second edition of The Rack Book Club:

  • Have the characters developed in this passage of time compared with the first?
  • Can you tell the guys apart?
  • Noses: A sly commentary on the disfigured, gangly nature of our beloved sub-species, or just some oddly-shaped appendages?
  • Lydia looks to be much more thought out and stylized in her character design. Does this have anything to do with the spin-off which she received?
  • Pop-culture references are not jokes and serve as a common crutch for genre work. Has The Rack escaped this cliche yet?

We also ramble about …

  • Validating Steve’s delinquency
  • More vacations on the horizon?
  • xkcd as an M&M (or an Eminem)?
  • Steve wants to spank all the bad video game genre comics

Listen in and leave your comments on any topic as well as comics you’d like to see reviewed below!


Digital Strips Podcast 292 – Review – Little League

Most of my friends and coworkers know that I do this show. Generally they just let me go on living my strange man-child life and leave me be. Once in a while they’re ask for recommendation on what they should read. Once it a great while, they’ll have a recommendation for me. And exactly one time, they’ve suggested something so great that I couldn’t wait to do a show about it.

This is that one time.

This week we’re taking a look at Little League by Yale Steward. While the concept of young superheroes trying to make their way on the playground is nothing new, Jason and I both agree that the concept is handled here with such grace and respect for the source material that it actually feels brand new. And since I spent most of these formidable years running around the big toy pretending to be Batman, it only makes sense that Batman would to (because running around pretending to be me would be lame).

I also indulge on one of my most hate-filled rants, and with the poison still dripping off my maligned tongue, Jason steps in to say the day, like the true wanna be hero he is.

All this and the occult secret to getting free Whoppers, on the latest episode of Digital Strips.

Show Notes:
Prequeal 7:00
Street Figther Comics 9:45
Skull Kickers 10:00
Sailor Twain 10:30
Lovecraft is Missing 10:30
Nightmare Prowestling 10:45
Realm of Atland/Beserkers Daughter 11:15
Rock Manly Fist 12:00
SuperFogeys 19:45
Tiny Titans 23:45
