Digital Strips Podcast 276 – Review – Briar Hollow

Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesAs the storm wails around me here in the Rocky Mountains, I like to picture you, some place, dry and warm, sitting by the fire in a cozy, red felt chair with your earbuds in, enjoying this latest episode of Digital Strips. This week we take a look at Briar Hollow, the least college-y college-based comic I think I’ve ever seen. The comic is created by Terry Blas with brilliant colors by Kimball Davis.

We also take several detours into other territories, talking about the X-Men and the Ninja Turtles and what makes them so different (and seriously people, comment on that topic, it’s for science and posterity).

Not too many comics mentioned this week, which makes for easy show notes:

Abaddon – 2:30
Questionable Content – 5:00
Next Town Over – 21:00
My Sister, The Freak – 22:30
Imagine This – 27:00

The music in the middle was L’espoir fait vivre by Bézèd’h


Digital Strips Podcast 275 – Review – Soul’d

Quick everyone just pretend the last month didn’t happen.

We are back in action and while our lawyers are telling me I can’t legally claim to be better than ever (that phrase apparently implies that we are sorta good) I can say we a the same as ever, and really isn’t that what everyone came for?

This week we take a look at Soul’d by Mary Taranta. Normally we don’t do comics that haven’t updated for a while but when we do it allows us an interesting chance to do a full post mortem on them and take a look at things a little deeper. That’s what we do this week. We also talk about Kickstarter, how it’s changing comics and other industries and about why we’ll never talk about it again.

We mention the following comics, links to which will appear over my lunch break.

Awkward Zombie
Not Invented Here
Medium Large
Sally Forth
Dawn of the Ninja (I say chapters, I meant pages)
Order of the Stick
Diesel Sweeties

Half Time Music
Go Balls Deep

Girls with Slingshots
Turbo Defiant Kimecan
Johannes Cabal
Sketch Blog
