NEWW Interview ~WITH~ Randy Milholland of Something Positive


This was one of those awkward interviews, mostly because I have never read Something Positive or met Randy Milholland before NEWW. Luckily, my plan to arrive Friday and establish my cred as one of the media types covering the weekend was successful and so Randy knew my face when I came around gathering up interviews. Either that or he was incredibly good at faking it.

The good thing is that I don’t really need to talk up the strip to get people to go check it out. Something Positive has long been a staple of many lists cataloging the best in webcomics, and Milholland is very well known in the community. And rightfully so; I can’t tell you how many times I saw him come from behind the table where he sat for a better part of the weekend to give hugs or just chat casually with his fans.

So listen in for my incredibly positive interview with the popular creator and go check out Something Positive to keep up with the latest in Milholland’s world!


NEWW Interview ~WITH~ Gary Tyrrell of Fleen


You would think that when you finally meet your sworn enemy face-to-face, you would realize the gravity of the situation and react accordingly. I should have researched my foe, studied his every move, and memorized the face of the man I would one day conquer. But no, instead, the first time I saw Gary Tyrrell (of Fleen) in real-life, full-on three-dimensional, Technicolor glory he was pulling various pans of food out of an oven at a house party on the Friday before NEWW kicked off.

Of course, you can’t take a man by surprise when he’s wearing freakin’ oven mitts and an apron. That’s just how things are done in Manland. I opted instead to remember that mustachioed, thin competitor of mine and resume this battle on the floor of the Eastworks building.

What I’d built up in my head to be an all-out, bloody, epic battle for the ages was actually a cordial, soft-spoken (as softly as you can speak on the floor of a convention, at least) conversation wherein Gary and I traded a teeny little bit of respect for one another. We even bonded over taking away business from Bill Barnes (Unshelved), who was also Tyrrell’s roommate for the weekend. Terribly sorry about that, Bill.

Listen in and join me in verifying Fleen as a great site for webcomics news. Completely different than ANYTHING Digital Strips does, but great nonetheless.


Links: Spurge’s suggestions, Gurewitch speaks, and more!

Tom Spurgeon asked for webcomics suggestions from his readers, and he posts their latest recommendations at The Comics Reporter.

Shaun Manning interviews Nick Gurewitch about The Perry Bible Fellowship Almanack, the print edition that’s shipping even as we speak. At The Daily Cross Hatch, Brian Heater posts part 2 of his interview with Gurewitch as well.

The Baltimore Sun takes a look at Disney’s multi-platform comics thing, Time Jumper. What’s nice is that Stan Lee, who is involved in the project, seems to be as excited about the content as the technology. (Via Robot 6.)

Sean Kleefeld discusses why comics publishers aren’t rushing into digital distribution. The short answer is that they don’t know where to begin, and the incentives aren’t really there either. At Pop Syndicate, Chris Williams takes a look at the problem from the other side; reporting from the ComicsPRO meeting, he discusses what digital distribution might mean for comics retailers. Reporting from the field, here’s Christopher Butcher as he liveblogs this month’s Previews:

Second FREAKANGELS collection. That one is the best-selling (for us) Ellis collection in years… I wonder what that says about alternate distribution methods eh?

Of course, that’s strictly anecdotal…

Meanwhile, Dan Hipp announces that the third volume of Gyakushu! will be online-only. The first two volumes, which were print-only, were published by Tokyopop

If selling T-shirts is an essential part of the webcomics business model, they might as well be good T-shirts; at, Brad Guigar posts the video of the T-shirt design panel at New England Webcomics Weekend. Also: Emerald City Comic Con is this weekend!
