Who Needs Trees?

We all love getting our favorite comics in nice handheld versions and we like them even more when they go on sale. Our current tree-hugging haters are:

Tastefully Done – Tastefully Done, the first ever nude webcomic character’s calendar (a mouthful in itself) is now available from Lulu. Tastefully Done see’s the likes of Ivan Pope, Ali Graham, Gordon McAlpin, Charles Woolbright, Chris Jones, Bryan Chojnowski, Pontus Madsen and Christian Fundin, Fred Grisolm, Philip Spence, Rich Dachtera, Robert Koch, Ramón Pérez and Rob Coughler. The cover being designed by Continue reading


BREAKING NEWS ~OR~ Bean Men Bows Out Early, Controversy Brews

In a shocking turn of events, Sean Tenhoff, the creator of Webcomic Idol-finalist, The Bean Men, has pulled his strip from the competition, citing a bout of cheating on his part by some overzealous readers.? The voting system has come under fire before and this latest issue, damning as it is for one contestant, should force the folks at Bomb Shelter to take a harder look at it before attempting another Webcomic Idol.

So is Bean Men done for?? The announcement (made by Tenhoff himself on the BS forums) has yet to be reflected in the votes, so stay tuned for the final fate of The Bean Men.


Let’s See You Do Better ~OR~ Now You Know

That’s right, Daku is a stern taskmaster and his insistence in nothing less than perfection has led to a swath of layoffs here at Digital Strips which cut into our once happy family and made us the meager team you now see.

Or, this could be entirely fictionalized and just made a good, topical subject for a strip. My bet’s on that one, given the obvous discrepancies between Daku of DS: The Comic Strip and his real life counterpart.

And if you ask me, a cartoon featuring marionettes of the whole DS cast is a winner no matter how you slice it.

The Comic #40
