Lil’ Political Cartooning

Steve and Jason’s latest podcast got me thinking of the very first blog post I made on this site, way back in April, when we discussed whether the term ‘webcomic’ was still relevant today. Jason’s webcomics choice of the week – Mike Norton’s Little Donnie – echoes something of this debate: being a modern, relevant incarnation of cartooning’s oldest and most enduring ancestor – the political (editorial) cartoon. Continue reading


Code Green ~IS~ … Well, Just What It Sounds Like

If you’re sick and tired of the abuse the environment has been receiving lately (especially given the recent nastiness spewing forth to ruin poor Mother Earth) and if you’d like a cartoon or two to help you work out your frustrations, then this might be the project for you. Editorial cartoonist Stephanie McMillan is posting a new editorial cartoon every Monday on her site, Code Green, in an effort to help spread the word about the injustices occurring every day in various crimes against the environment.

The rub here is that she asks for donations for each cartoon used. Take a JPEG, hi-res or low, and use it wherever you see fit… so long as you pay for the work you intend to use. So far it seems like this pay-as-you-like method is working, and so long as the patron sees the value in these cartoons, she shouldn’t have to worry about being short-changed for this service. I’ll admit that personally I don’t have a need for editorial cartoons in any capacity, so this idea is clearly not for me.

But what do you think, Digital Strippers? Is there merit in this scheme, or is this yet another Internet monetary plan destined to go belly up?
