DS 691: Review of Follow the Leader

Arnold Schwarzaneggar stands with the other hired mercanaries in a promo shot for the movie, Predator

We run with the fishes, fight Tumblr, experience some grisly deaths, and NEVER EVER GO TO THE PARK in our review of Jonas Goonface’s dark, small town horror tale, Follow the Leader on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 688: Review of Moby Dick: Back From The Deep

The piranhaconda from the movie of the same name snatches a helicopter out of the sky in its mouth

We ask if ghosts can snuggle and demand that you return to your family after your father is crushed to death rather than take up a blood vendetta in our review of Matt Schorr’s Moby Dick: Back From The Deep on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 687: Review of The Rock Cocks

Andy Samberg, Akon, and Jorma Taccone sing "I Just Had Sex"

Be aware, the comic reviewed in this week’s episode is NSFW.

We check out the electrifying erotica (e-rock-ica?) of Brad and Leslie Brown’s The Rock Cocks and our main question is… where is the story? It’s a whole new, sexy world where we question everything we know on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 686: Review of The Little Trashmaid

The rest of this comic is just as funny as this expression (which we think is a good thing)

Welcome Tidy and her world of garbage-filled seas (hey, it’s based on true events!) that will make you feel ashamed and entertained at the same time with our review of s0s2’s The Little Trashmaid on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 684: Review of The Emergency Coven

We hop on our awesome hog, ride to a cemetery to meet some strangers, ask questions about twins-in-the-same-body with regards to nudity, and search for the elusive Harry Potter baby in our review of Llyrel’s The Emergency Coven, on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


DS 683: Review of UTOWN

Think way less popular and way more stink lines (I imagine) and you’d have the main friendship in this comic

We hunker down, enjoy some brewskis with some buds and prepare to get evicted in our review of the cartoonishly realistic UTOWN by CAB on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!
