DS 557: They Wickerplanted Blanketcheese!

Helpful hints about Dwarf Fortress

Lee Keegan has taken the wide open, detailed world of Dwarf Fortress and added his own story and characters to it with Bridgedflickered. Jason doesn’t pretend to know a thing about it, so Steve leads the way on why all dwarves are so expendable and who comes up with these goofy names. It’s a fun ride!


DS 556: A Boy’s Life

Learning can be fun, and Aztec Empire is here to show us just that. This expertly crafted comic about history informs just as much as it entertains, with plenty of behind the scenes trappings for those of you who always want a little something extra in their entertainment.


DS 555: LUFF is Love, LUFF is Life

Jason loves romantic comedies and tolerates dumb science. Steve loathes both things. This makes their tandem review of LUFF by Arechan a contentious one, indeed! Listen as they come to a consensus of disbelief and enjoyment for this questionably-nominated comic.


DS 554: Uncomfortable and I Like It

If DuckDuckGo and Google search engines were able to fight

The internet is a historical oddity, full of old browsers and search engines that rise to fame in a day and burn out just as quickly. But, did you ever want to see what it looks like if they were all represented by magical anime girls? Then boy howdy, do WE have the comic for YOU! Check out our review of the inscrutable Internet Explorer by Merriweather and Princess Hinghoi and pick your favorite anthropomorphized web browser!
