Episode 448: The Las Vegas Stripper Buffet

Wayne NewtonWhile the guys can’t agree on most anything sports-related, they do know that it’s super fun to name a new sports team. The Las Vegas Tom Joneses? The Las Vegas Celine Dions? You could be SURE that a team with that name isn’t going ANYWHERE for a long time. In the second segment, Jason talks about a new way to tag your comics so they can’t be stolen for reuse, and Steve brings Pandemonium: Wizard Village and Bot Bros to the table for our perusal. Stay tuned after the outro for tips on how to run lemonade stands and executing a successful bikini carwash.


Episode 447: The Robert Khoo In My Mind

The demonic blue mustang at the Denver AirportIt’s the middle of June, so it’s time for this webcomics podcast (the first and best) to talk about E3! Jason and Steve discuss the new developments surrounding The Last Guardian, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Injustice 2, and the world according to VR. E3 or no, the second segment is dedicated to webcomics-only discussions, including the delineation between webcomics and comics on the web, the fate of Penny Arcade in a post-Khoo era, and the final installments of Battlepug. After the outro, the fellas traveled down some deep, dark YouTube holes together and mysteriously resurfaced at the Denver airport.


Episode 446: In My Mech, Having A Moment

Superman, as imagined by Chris Haley, dressed like a female superheroPlaying Overwatch? Want to hear why Jason will only play Pharah, and little else? Great! If not, then the second segment is for you! It’s chock full of webcomics nuggets, including Disney’s Delilah Dirk movie, Grumpy Cat’s Garfield-like webcomic, a thing called Yumi Cells, and two new coloring books from The Oatmeal. Jason really doesn’t like the whole adult coloring book fad and it makes for a fun end to the show. Come back after the outro for far more frivolous conversation about selling out as a teen and how prevalent Looney Tunes were in the clothing section at Wal-Mart. 

(Image provided by Chris Haley, artist of Let’s Be Friends Again, found in the article, Why Do We Care So Much About What Female Superheroes Wear, Anyway? on i09.com)



The Whopperrito from Burger KingFast food is a wonderful thing, especially when experienced in moderation. Jason tends not to do things lightly though, so he provides us with his typical, weekly Taco Bell breakfast order. Meanwhile, Steve discovers that soda jelly is a thing. After that packed first segment, the second is no less a beast, with news items about Jason Shiga, Star Wars comics(?), Lunarbaboon, Wonderella, Broodhollow, Our Valued Customers, and Scenes From a Multiverse. Let that all settle with the post-outro conversation about the kinkiness of ladybugs and why the guys couldn’t give a flying flip about Jonathan Brandis.
