Episode 422: Sorry, But Your Fandom Is Showing

Braided beltsSteve and Jason are fed up with talking to people about their favorite hobbies. But PLEASE talk to them about their favorite hobbies. Like webcomics! There’s plenty of talk about those in this episode, including one hosted on the newly de-boobed Playboy website, as well as the first Twitter-sourced comic ever, a site that strives to explain every single XKCD strip, and a set of illustrations of your, yes YOUR favorite role-playing campaigns. All that, plus the saddest found item ever used for a belt.


Episode 421: We Have No Choice

Daniel Fleetwood and his wife, Ashley

RIP, Daniel, and May the Force Be With You

MAAAAAAN, is it a good time to be a geek! Just ask Steve, preeminent geek around these parts and enjoyer of all things Blizzard. His excitement for Starcraft and Hearthstone expansions carries things through to the second segment, wherein webcomics are discussed. Toss a dart, you’re bound to hit a winner on the Nerd Board!


Episode 420: Snickers or GTFO

Can You Dig It? Feat. Macho Man Randy SavageOn this Halloween episode, you just have to ask yourself one question: pants or gun? Steve has a story that asked that very same question, and Jason has a story about a time when he was terrible to someone. Shock, I know. After the break (yep, it’s back), there’s plenty talk about wrastlin’ Kickstarters, spooky treats from well-tread creators, and trying to understand why RSS just doesn’t work for some folks. These boys are becoming men, but that’s about all they can handle this year. WEREWOLVES 2016

Also, because I promised Steve, here’s the link to the Corporate Skull comic he talked about.
