Episode 385: Dwarves Have Beards And Guys Pee Differently (Review feat. Amya)

Master Chief claims his Xbox One at launchOk, you’ve had a year, now it’s time to join the current generation of gaming consoles. Steve did, and we all know he’s the LAST one to do things. Chirault by Varethane and Wildelife by Pascalle Lepas covers Whatcha’ Been Readin’. And the review of Savannah Houston-McIntyre’s Amya finds a comic that shows lots of promise and has a great cast of characters to root for/boo. Stuff that turkey!

The midshow music is provided by Little V.


Episode 384: Geology Is For Nerds (Book Club feat. Schlock Mercenary – Vol. 3)

Comet cleanerIt’s a week of amazing feats, as we take on week 3 of the massive back-catalog that is Schlock Mercenary! Oh, and some probe landed on some comet. We also chat about Matt Chapman and Andy Suriano’s Cosmic Scoundrels and Seaclops by Andy Duggan, as well as the recent woes that Marc Lapierre faced when his amazing work was co-opted without his permission. Happy endings for everyone, though

Ok … maybe not the probe.

The midshow music is provided by Little V.


Episode 383: Almost Rivendell (Horizons Watch feat. The Din and Expecting To Fly)

Dairy Queen's Blizzard ice cream treatDid YOU go to Blizzcon? Neither did the guys, but it doesn’t stop them from talking about it for a bit! Jason also wraps up his Halloween-inspired picks with Emily Carroll’s When The Darkness Presses. Steve opts for lighter fare with Joe England’s Zebra Girl. Together, they then take a look at the horizons with Karin Rindevall’s The Din and John Allison’s Expecting To Fly. Listen up and take off!

Midshow music provided by Fragman (D.W.A.).


Episode 382: Supercharged Teen Demons (Review feat. The Black Brick Road of Oz)

He-Man and She-RaWE HAVE THE POWERRRRRRR! … to give you a great podcast about webcomics. We briefly check in with Abby Howard’s The Last Halloween and ML Snook and Katie DeGelder’s Opportunities in Space. After the break (involving discussions of lesbians on the trick-or-treating trail), we find our sword and power up for a review of Xamag’s The Black Brick Road of Oz.

The midshow music is provided by Tobu and Syndec.
