Episode 400: IT’S EPISODE 400

Traditional Chinese massageStarted from the bottom, now we’re here! Here at Episode 400 of the longest running, still updating podcast in the history of the world! EVER! We celebrate by discussing Steve’s recent trip to China, his questionable decisions in late-night activities, and why, even in the future, you can’t show your weiner to anybody.

Don’t worry; in our second segment, we take on the 2015 Eisner nominees for Best Digital/Web Comic. Stay tuned after the end of the show proper for further discussions about dudes shaving dudes and why Steve holds the record for most hernias ever found in a man during surgery.


Episode 399a: The One About Broken Telephone (Feat. Guest Co-Host Ryan Estrada)

The cast of characters of Ryan Estrada's Broken TelephoneThere’s no time for the silly games as Jason dives right into an in-depth interview with webcomics superstar, Ryan Estrada! He has thoughts about Broken Telephone (his recently wrapped anthology), as well as his opinion of the webcomics scene and exclusive dish on his upcoming projects.

The midshow music (minus our usual rambling) is provided by Chet Porter.


Episode 399: Weird Magic Leper (Review feat. Chapel Also Ran)

Tolian Soran from Star Trek: GenerationsWhen Wrestlemania comes around, Jason transforms into something … more. Apologies for that. The guys do manage to talk about some comics, including Dreadful Sirens, Bigfoot Justice, and Chapel Also Ran. Welcome to Suplex City, we hope you enjoy your stay!

The midshow music is provided by Distrion.
