The New ComicSpace Absorbs A Nation

When you think web comic hosting there are five names that come to mind: ComicSpace, Webcomics Nation, Smack Jeeves, Comic Genesis, and Drunk Duck. Eighty percent of the webcomics just may be hosted by these guys. Now here comes along the sort of news the corporate world would go crazy for but the government would fall apart trying to block. On October 29th Josh Roberts and Joey Manley announced the intent to merge businesses into one corporate entity. With the help of E-Line Ventures, a New Jersey-based ‘double bottom line’ early-stage investment firm, to secure the necessary funding and support to effectively merge and run the combined business. Here’s the best part of the announcement:

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Three Leave Blank Label To Join Halfpixel

Three members of Blank Label Comics are ending their partnership with Blank Label Comics to form a new collective, Halfpixel, along with PvP. Scott Kurtz, Dave Kellett, Kris Straub, and Brad Guigar will form the new group, previously a hub for Straub’s and Kurtz’s joint efforts such as their book “How To Make Webcomics” and the Webcartoonist Weekly Podcast. Apparently this has been in the works for a few weeks and true to BLC form there will be no webcomics drama. Brad assures us “Those looking for sour grapes or angry sentiments are going to be disappointed. We’re all still very much friends and fans of one another’s work.”

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