Digital Strips 199 – Eisner Nominees

Every year people get paid to decide which comics are the best, and recently they’ve began to come down from their ivory, print-laden, towers to make the same judgement on web comics. Some times they make the right choice (PVP) some times, they really botch it up (Sugarshock). Still though, in my own unbiased opinion, I think the better committee would be one assembled from experts specifically from the web comics field, from people who have a much wider knowledge of what the web is capable of, people who have goatee’s and wear baseball hats, even indoors.

My personal gripes aside, this is the strongest year of nominees that I’ve ever seen. Two Digital Strips favorites, the world’s first Zuda instant winner, the standard “Artsy” comic and a comic with cowboys. There’s a lot of variety and a lot of good stuff to read. They are:

The Abominable Charles Christopher

The Guns of Shadow Valley
Power Out
Sin Titulo

How do this years picks stand up to the litmus test of people featured on an episode of Digital Strips? Will we ever recover from the outrage of Sugarshock winning? What crazy thing will Jason say to offend his wife next? You’ll have to tune in to find out.

After you tune in, let us know what you think in the show notes. We love comments, almost as much as we love commenters.

Show Notes:
Abominable show (turns out it was a nominee two years ago, we should have mentioned that in the show, but I’m not sure why it’s been nominated twice, what’s the deal guys?)
Sin Titalo Show
Rice Boy
David Gallaher
Transmission X
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