We’ve talked about in Horizons Watch, I’ve chatted with the creators themselves, and now we’re proud to announce that Kitty Hawk is back and ready to go, with twice-weekly updates and a new Zuda-fied layout that both Vin LaBate and Braden Lamb, creators of the old-time adventure strip, hinted at as far back as Webcomics Weekend ’09.
It’s very interesting to see yet another comic truly considering the web in terms of layout and spread, as Kitty Hawk was previously a traditional comic book-sized page per update. Smaller strips make for quicker turnaround times as well, allowing for the two-times-a-week updates we’re now promised and I’ll never argue with greater quantity, especially when it comes to such a high-quality strip.
So stop scrolling and check out the new look at KittyHawkComic.com!