Digital Strips 145 – October New Strips

We’re mixing things up again. Digital Strips 145

Here at Digital Strips, our goal has always been to bring to you the 10 percent of Web comics that are good. The problem has been that most strips that have been long enough to build enough of an archive to be reviewable already have a good deal of buzz around them. With this in mind, once a month or so, we’re going to forgo the in depth review and instead give a couple recommendations of strips that have caught our eyes (and therefore are worthy of your eyes as well) but are still too young in Web years to really really be reviewable.

This month we run the gamut in strips from the dark and druggy to the light and birdy. The strips are:

Sparko by Karl Stephan

Head in the Clouds by Niel Pearson and Tim Smith

Skadi By Katie Rice and Luke Cormican

With three strips this different there should be something you like. If not, let us know, we’ll do better next time. Also if anyone has any ideas for future episodes or even a name for this feature, drop us a comment as well. We like comments.


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