People seem to be making lots of lists lately. Dave White of Blog 7415 lists the webcomics he reads, the ones he has dropped, and the ones that are at the border, while Johanna Draper Carlson accentuates the positive at Comics Worth Reading with some new webcomics worth reading. And this post, 10 Great Webcomics You Should Not Share With Your Kids, from Wired’s GeekDad blog, has been making the rounds a bit but is worth a look if you haven’t seen it already.
At The Floating Lightbulb, Ben Gordon critiques the business model presented in How to Make Webcomics. Then Gary Tyrell critiques the critique at Fleen.
Meanwhile, Sean Kleefeld ponders why one would buy a dead-tree version of a comic that’s online for free.
Blooks are getting to be old hat, but can you really make a book out of a MySpace page? Randy Lander of Comic Pants takes a look at a possible first, the print edition of MySpace Dark Horse Presents.
And in other webcomics-in-print news, Christopher Butcher reviews the print edition of Moresukine, which is still available on the web and well worth a look: A German artist living in Tokyo takes suggestions from his readers for cultural experiences (eating natto, going to a cubicle hotel) and draws comics based on his experiences.
At Comic Book Resources, Emmett Furey talks to World of Quest creator Jason Kruse, who started with a webcomic and ended up with an animated series.
One of the great uses of the web is to post material you would never otherwise get to see. Here’s Concordia University professor Matthew Penney’s scanlation of the short story War and Japan. (Via Anime News Network.)