The Shenanigans Show Episode 1: My Initial Scrotum

This van is very much not the Hogwarts ExpressSo we’re trying something different here at Digital Strips. We’ve always wanted to do more shows and have flirted with the idea from time to time (see the occasional video game and pro wrestling podcasts). We’re going to see just how much content we can produce while remaining sane.

This the first episode of that attempt. The regular Digital Strips show will focus just on webcomics so we wanted to find a new home for the random topic discussions that we would do in the first half of the show.

This week we start by talking about marathons, but since neither of us have much experience with pushing our bodies to the limit of accomplishing major goals we quickly have to switch topics to things we know more about, like how disappointed Steve’s wife is with him and the desire to have additional scrotums.

It’s fun we promise.

Music for this episode is Different Heaven by Nekozilla and was provided by No Copyright Sounds.


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