Zuda Comics Is Dead! ~LONG LIVE~ Zuda Comics!!!

Sure, most of the winners have found great success from the DC bump, but ask any of the other nine competitors in any given Zuda month and they’ll likely tell you the same thing: the system is flawed. Some of the winners would possibly say likewise. No voting system is perfect, of course; the United States alone is proof of that. But when something as important and possibly career-altering as a shot at a short-term comics deal hangs in the balance, the process to gain that prize should be a fair and balanced one (suck it, Fox News).

It’s not surprising, then, that the announcement came today via Zuda head honcho Ron Perazza that the oft-maligned comics contest would be ditching the democratic process for one with far less yeas and nays. Via the Zuda blog, The Collective, Perazza noted that, while Zuda has had an amazing crop of winners come through the ranks, it has let just as many potential superstars slip through the cracks. It doesn’t seem clear just what the new Zuda will entail, but rest assured Digital Strips will be there to cover this shift in the way a major player dips into the webcomics pool of talent.

Here are just a smattering of the tweets posted thus far from industry folks, almost universally praising the coming changes:

brockheasley (Brock Heasley, The Superfogeys: Looking forward to seeing what this means for the future of #Zuda . Could be very exciting!

pvponline (Scott Kurtz, PvP): Zuda is leaving the competition model behind in favor of an editorial one. SMART MOVE!

Iron_Spike (Spike, Templar, AZ): @pvponline Agreed. Ballot box stuffing assured talented unknowns would always lose to well-known, not-necessarily-better competitors.

peprally (David Maguire, Gastrophobia): Oh man, Zuda has decided to treat their artists like employees instead of contestents! http://zuda.blog.dccomics.com/

DavidGallaher (David Gallaher, High Moon): For the record, I couldn’t ask for a greater group of friends, editors, and creators than @zudacomics. It’s been the highlight of my career.

sequentialmatt (Mathew D., Sequential Life): Guess I missed out on any more chances of rejection by Zuda. I didn’t really want to draw goth elves anyway…

AdamAtherton (Adam Atherton, Lily of the Valley): #FF @Zudacomics I loved the Zuda competition and the opportunity it gave me so I’m very thankful, but look forward to the new changes!


10 thoughts on “Zuda Comics Is Dead! ~LONG LIVE~ Zuda Comics!!!

  1. I’ll miss being reviewed by you guys most of all. 🙁
    Just my luck too. I had a submission pending and this time around I actually have
    a semblance of an audience thanks to my Samurai Star Wars series going viral
    (plug! http://www.stevapalooza.blogspot.com/ ). Ah well, I can’t complain. Zuda gave me three at-bats.

  2. And we’ll miss looking at your work, though we certainly won’t stop just because one contest-based site is going away (changing?).

    As for the Samurai Star Wars stuff, that is amazing work! We expect nothing less from you so keep it up and let us know when you’ve got another comic up and going so we can check it out!

  3. This means no more long show to edit, Hooray!

    I’m actually very interested to see how this new system is going to work. I for one am hoping for a committee selection process and I hope that committee is me.

    Thanks to the Star Wars Samurai link Mr. Palooza. If the Internet had a hook, you sir, would be off it.

  4. “DavidGallaher (David Gallaher, High Moon): For the record, I couldn’t ask for a greater group of friends, editors, and creators than @zudacomics. It’s been the highlight of my career.”

    It’s the only highlight of his career.

  5. Was that snark really necessary, dude?

    Dave Gallaher is kicking ass, and not just at Zuda. What, the well received Box 13 at ComiXology and a mini-series at Marvel don’t count in your book?

  6. Wow. This has taken an odd turn. I’ll chalk it up to grief. We’re all sad about the end of Zuda watch, but let’s be civil, people!

  7. And also, Dave is an all around nice guy.

    And I’m sure we’ll find something Zuday to report on, or something new to watch. So it’s all good.

  8. Dave also did a great job as a Zuda watch guest guest reviewer.

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