This upcoming Saturday down in Camden Lock Market a whole new convention has begun. Six months ago in Camden a small stall run by Oli Smith (and several others) set to allow small press comics as well as webcomics the chance to publish their works with bare minimum cost and get it to a whole different market. Not only has the stall been popular with people cramming it full of their latest works but also the market itself has integrated with it now becoming almost a firm fixture amongst the others.
Now this weekend the stall launches its first big project – a convention. The No Barcodes Convention has a multitude of small press and webcomic characters appearing at their tables, all within bare minimum cost to them and also bare minimum cost to the general public (there is no entry fees). So pop along down to London this weekend, take in the sights, sounds, air and sea and pop along to Camden and buy a few comics with No Barcodes because to be honest, they’re no longer needed.