Formerly Of Zuda Comics, Sam & Lilah Now Part ~OF~ Act-i-Vate

Remember when American Idol started off and the only person who was supposed to get famous from the exposure was the grand prize winner? Well, it seems that the contestants of the Zuda Comics contest have found the same loophole, as I found this juicy headline waiting for me on my LiveJournal Friends page today:


Just weeks ago, that might have been yet another headline I scrolled quickly past, but after we decided to jump on the Zuda train with the last podcast, not only do I know what Sam & Lilah is, it was my favorite of the ten 03.08 contestants. Apparently I’m not the only fan, as the 3rd runner-up has earned a place on a top roster just mere hours after the bell had rung on this competition.Act-i-Vate logo

Congratulations to both Jim Dougan and Hyeondo Park on the pick-up and I’m thrilled that not only do I get to read more of this fantastical tale, but I get to do it in just one month!

(Full press release after the break, for those who care to read such things)


Sam & Lilah Act-i-Vate promo image

For Immediate Release


March 31, 2008

Fresh off a commanding fourth-place finish in Zuda Comics’ March 2008 Competition, SAM & LILAH will be making a move to its new home as part of the online comics collective ACT-I-VATE (, beginning with new pages on May 1. Dougan and Park will be joining a long and growing list of comics luminaries at ACT-I-VATE, including Nick Bertozzi, Pedro Camargo, Mike Cavallaro, Nikki Cook, Molly Crabapple, Mike Fiffe, Simon Fraser, Dan Goldman, Dean Haspiel, Jason Little, Josh Neufeld, Leland Purvis, and former Zuda contestants Kevin Colden and Paul Maybury.

“We are thrilled to have Jim Dougan and Hyeondo Park’s myth-bending SAM & LILAH join the ranks of ACT-I-VATE,” says Dean Haspiel, one of ACT-I-VATE’s founding members.

“How could we not be excited to be such excellent company?” asks Dougan. “I’ve been a fan of AIV and its creators for years, and to join the ranks is a great honor. Hyeondo and I first worked together at The Chemistry Set (, and will continue to contribute there, but this is a great chance to broaden our audience even further.”

Sam & Lilah is romantic modern-day mythology with a touch of manga flavor. When a budding love affair between two fashionable urban twentysomethings is imperiled by a gypsy curse, slice-of-life meets the supernatural – in Technicolor.

Says Simon Fraser: “I’m really looking forward to seeing this story develop on AIV. It was easily the best thing on Zuda last month.”

ACT-I-VATE is anticipating a site relaunch during April, which will involve new material from the creators currently on board, as well as the debut of new members of the team. The last week in April, Dougan and Park will post the original eight “screens” currently featured on the Zuda site, to be followed by new material beginning May 1.

“Many, many people at Zuda have been chiming in and telling us that they really want the story to continue,” said Dougan. “Some of these people are not even related to us, so it’s a real thrill to be able to give them what they want.”

So if what you want in your comics is

– Romance! Adventure! Fashion! Curses! Cupcakes! –

Then join SAM & LILAH at ACT-I-VATE starting May 1!

For more information on ACT-I-VATE:

For more information on Jim Dougan:

For more information on Hyeondo Park:

For Dougan & Park’s previous collaboration, COME THE DAWN, check out The Chemistry Set:

Also at The Chemistry Set, Starting April 15: Jim Dougan and Molly Lawless’ HOW I LOST MY S#?! AT THE APPLE STORE


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