Will You Take the Challenge?

I got this press release from Platinum Studios in the inbox over a week ago but by now all you faith readers probably know just how slow I am getting the news out sometimes. I usually like to do some research so that I’m not just reposting the same thing you see everywhere else. Keeping that in mind I’ve been talking back and forth with Platinum Studios to figure out exactly what is going on and they even graced me with a full interview which I managed to completely screw up. Don’t worry though as I’m working on fixing that issue and you can expect an interview sometime tomorrow hopefully. Here’s the press release about the Comic Book Challenge:

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., June 19, 2006 – Aspiring writers and artists nationwide are invited to submit their work to Platinum Studios, an entertainment company that controls the world’s largest independent library of comic book characters, and NBC 7/39, San Diego’s only network owned and operated television station as they search for the hottest comic book concept the Comic Book Challenge. The winner’s comic concept will be developed for print, online, film and TV. New and unpublished comic book creators can submit their ideas online through July 5, 2006. On July 20 the top 50 semi-finalists will pitch their concepts live to a panel of industry insiders. The judges on the panel include Gale Anne Hurd, Marc Silvestri, and Scott Mitchell Rosenberg.

“?If you think you’ve got the best new idea for a comic book character or story, we urge you to submit your idea to the Comic Book Challenge” said Rosenberg. “It is very hard to break through into comics and get noticed by industry luminaries. The Comic Book Challenge allows creators and aspiring fans a new opportunity to get their concepts reviewed and turned into an entertainment property.

The top three finalists will appear on NBC 7/39 on July 21st to pitch their comic vision. Fans will be invited, starting midnight on Thursday July 20th, to vote on their favorite of the three finalists. Voting will be open from Thursday night until midnight on Sunday July 24. The winner’s comic book concept will be published by Platinum Studios and premiere in print in March of 2007. In addition, Platinum Studios will work with the creator to develop the property for film and television.


5 thoughts on “Will You Take the Challenge?

  1. Hmm, looks like its for US residents only – at any rate the application form doesn\’t seem designed for overseas applications. That rules me out then :/

  2. Damn. Sucks that I already entered the contest before reading the thread going on over at Comixpedia. Sucks even more that I now include myself in the category of young guys just waiting to be swept off their feet.

    Here\’s hoping I lose.

  3. Don\’t feel bad that you entered the contest. I think that some of us are just concerned that people in the webcomics community aren\’t bowled over so much by the glitz that they forget to ask questions, discuss options and remember that they can say \”no\” to what they don\’t like.

    Remember, no one can trick you into signing away your rights or doing something you don\’t want to do.

    Things move very slowly in Hollywood and there is always plenty of time to get informed, get advice and make sure you know what you\’re signing and agreeing to.

  4. Scott Kurtz: thanks for the post.

    Midnight Cartoonist: I\’m Scott Rosenberg from Platinum Studios/comic book challenge. If you\’d like to un-enter, please send an email to the contest, and a person named Carly will delete your entry.

    Also, Scott Kurtz and Joey Manley asked me a bunch of questions that clear up many questions. you should check it out: http://www.talkaboutcomics.com/blog/index.php

    Based on their comments, we\’ve also made the faq and submission release forms available from the front page of comicbookchallenge.com

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