A Review of Sin City in Comic Form

Comic artist of American Splendor fame, Gerry Shamray, has a review of the new Frank Miller film Sin City published by Sun News. However, this isn’t the sort of review you’ll find in most entertainment sections of your newspaper. In honor of the films graphic novel origins Gerry has written his review of the film in comic form. Here you can find the comic review of Sin City.

Not only is this a review of a comic book based film in comic form, but the artwork is styled as an homage to Frank Miller’s stylistic play with black and white contrasts. The review itself is a pretty cool use of the comic medium. Personally, I think it would be cool if a series of comic based reviews were created like this. It certainly makes reading what critics have to say much more interesting. This way even if the movie being reviewed ends up being crap at least the review would be entertaining.

NOTE: Link found through TalkABoutComics.com.


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