Bringing you only the hottest of hot takes, today we’re talking about “Hourly Comic Day”, the yearly event which happens on… Feb 1?! Aw, man.

Hourly Comic Day is a tradition that first began in 2005, when John Campbell (of Pictures for Sad Children fame—or, perhaps, notoriety). This first outing for the event occurred when Campbell posted a journal page with a series of doodles he had taken every hour throughout the course of the day. Over the following few years, more webcomic artists picked up on the trend, until it finally became An Event To Look Forward To on Feb 1st every year, from 2008 onwards.
1 Feb 2019 was no exception, and many webcomic artists jumped on the wagon to journal their days in comic form: here are a few to whet your appetite if you missed seeing the event unfold this year (like, apparently, some webcomic columnists out there…)
Awkward Zombie by Katie Tiedrich

One of the true stalwarts of the event, Tiedrich has been putting up an hourly comics day challenge for years, and 2019 was no exception – you can find her full chronicle of the day HERE.
Junior Scientist Power Hour by Abby Howard

We’ve talked about Abby Howard’s webcomic work a lot on the Digital Strips Blog, first with our Strip Search Retrospective, and then with her work on various scary stories, but she’s also an avid participant of Hourly Comics Day! Her offering this year focused mainly on chronicling a different (‘more interesting’) day, but we’ll forgive you this time, Abby 😉
You can find her hourly comic HERE.
Boumeries by Boum (Samantha Leriche-Gionet)

‘Boumeries’ is yet another of those webcomics which seems to have been on the internet forever. Starting in 2011, Boum has participated in Hourly Comics day every year since. 2019 was no exception, with the day fully chronicled in Boum’s unique, irrepressible style. You can catch her latest hourly comic offering HERE, or check out her previous years’ entries HERE.
Did your favourite artist participate in Hourly Comics Day this year? We’d love to read their work, so drop us a link to their offerings here in the comments below, or over on Facebook or Twitter! And until next time, Digital Strippers, always remember: don’t eat the clickbait!