Digital Strips Podcast 290 – Review – Blue Yonder

News tends to pile up when we don’t get around to a new episode for a couple of weeks. Case in point…

  • (11:30) Penny Arcade Kickstarter (I tried to keep it brief, horribly failed at that)
  • (14:22) The Oatmeal raises funds to fight FunnyJunk, says F-U in the process
  • (14:43) Ryan Estrada’s The Whole Story now truly pay-what-you-want
  • (15:37) Battlepug wins Best Digital Comic at the Eisners

So many big stories, and then we mentioned more comics. Suckers, we are. Giant suckers.

If you’re looking for something game-related to groove to through the break that relates to a comic called Blue Yonder, what goes better than any of the thousands of remixes based on Capcom’s iconic blue bomber? This one is by Jakesnke17 and it’s called “Switchblade Fangs” (18:00).

American comic books (graphic novels?) have long been chastised for a look and feel that echoes everything that’s come before. Sure, if one were to stick to only the superhero, big tentpole books, that would likely be true. But there is so much available out there these days, such an assumption is, at worst, presumptuous. At best, it’s dangerous. Blue Yonder takes a look that not only harkens back to previous works, but does so all the way back to the early Marvel style started, and still emulated, by Jack Kirby.

But the story diverges from there, offering family drama and zeroes trying to become heroes. Is it enough to make the bright superheroics worth your time? Listen in and tell us what you think! If that doesn’t strike your fancy, then let me know what you think of Steve’s singing! Yeah, I’m… I’m sorry for that.


5 thoughts on “Digital Strips Podcast 290 – Review – Blue Yonder

  1. I recently found Space Base and find it quite amusing. But how can a monkey with a metal diaper not be?
    Definitely going to check out “blue yonder” based on your recommendation. That many silly super heroes has my vote!

  2. Good to hear.

    As for how can a monkey in a metal diaper not be amusing… put him in a movie with David Schwimmer.

  3. Hey guys,

    Just listened to your thoughts on Blue Yonder. You’ve made some great points. It’s always nice when we get a review that actually touches on some “helpful Criticism”. I’ve been listening to you guys for a while now and I’m a fan of yours, finding this was a great surprise for us. Thanks!

  4. Hey! This is Jakesnke17 here, thanks for playing my remix guys. Great podcast, I shall tune in more often. 😀

    I will definitely now check out Blue Yonder. Have a good one!

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