This site has nothing to do with webcomics but it’s such a simple and nice service I couldn’t help but mention it. It’s called ComicPull and it’s a site that allows you to create and manage a custom online subscription for comic books. When you find a comic that interests you, click “Pull This” and every time a new issue  is released, they’ll order it for you. They’ll ship out your comics based on your shipping preferences. It’s like having your own comic book store right at your fingertips.
This probably happens once a year but on The Webcomic List forums I found this story about a guy who has created a flash based comic. This james113 created a production using flash. It includes music and still frame cels in front of a more detailed background. Kind of like a japanese visual novel. Unfortunately he doesn’t post the comic so I can’t actually give you a first-hand count. The discussion goes into how anything that consistently moves isn’t a comic, but it still presents a story through visual means.
Years ago, shortly after Zampzon went on to other things, there was a serious discussion around DS becoming hosting site and/or webcomic listing site for those strips we thought were the best. The discussion went in several directions:
- Who are we to think we know what is better than everything else?
- There are much better hosting solutions out there then a group of guys just trying to help
- Who would actually care?
There must have been months of discussion and it all ended with the status-quo. That probably explains my confusion over why Webcomicz would even consider making their own top list. There hasn’t been much reaction to the announcement but hopefully something good will come out of it.
Has anyone heard of Mooky Chick? It’s a weekly online magazine for alternative women. It features alternative style, beauty, health, relationship and careers advice, music and general alternative culture. Most importantly they seem to be embracing webcomics and have dished out some decent advice. Some of it obvious (draw good, use good words) and the rest just makes since (good characters, avoid cliches, and don’t procrastinate).