Superfogeys To Assault Your Senses In ~BOTH~ Print and Digital Formats

I’ve sat on this info for long enough, just waiting for creator Brock Heasley to announce yet another way to get The Superfogeys beamed straight to your cranium.

Collecting the first four chapters of The Superfogeys saga, the first trade collection of the critically-acclaimed webcomic is currently in pre-order mode. Twenty bones will net you the superfogeysTraderegular edition, while 25 will earn you the now-standard Artist Edition, complete with a custom sketch card featuring your favorite Superfogeys character. Nifty!

Here are some more of the features, borrowed from the Th3rd World store:

– An updated, running COMMENTARY on each and every page of the book below the strips and stories. With some surprises!

– All of the previously published BONUS STORIES: “Operation: Valhalla” “Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden in the Inevitable Dimension” “Cellmates”
The PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED bonus story “The Secret Origin of the Space Pig”

– FOREWORD written by [TOP SECRET!] and AFTERWORD written by the Th3rd World Head Honchos!

– DESIGNED by Michael DeVito and Jon Conkling (The same team that designed the sold-out “Stuff of Legend”)


    And as if that wasn’t enough to further Heasley’s all-star status in the world of comics, the second volume of The Superfogeys, featuring the second chapter and a never-before-seen-online tale, is now available in the iTunes App Store. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to reading quality strips like The Superfogeys on my iPad in the very near future.


    1 thought on “Superfogeys To Assault Your Senses In ~BOTH~ Print and Digital Formats

    1. Hey, midnightcartooner! Thanks so much for making mention of this. I’m working almost nonstop right now to make it the best it can possibly be. It’s going to be a treasure trove of SuperFogeys goodness or I’m gonna die trying to make it so.

      One thing I wanted to let you know about that I won’t be announcing formally until Thursday…I’ve decided that the trade is actually going to contain chapter 5 as well, along with its accompanying bonus story “The Audition”. And I’m not raising the price. How’s that for value?

      Thanks again! Will be updating Th3rd World Store info soon to reflect this change!

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