Links: Heavy meta

Hearty congratulations to Phil and Kaija Foglio, who won a Hugo Award for best graphic story for vol. 8 of their Girl Genius series. Howard Tayler’s Schlock Mercenary was also nominated.

There’s a lot of good conversation about webcomics in the general case going on right now. Larry Cruz takes a look at Scott McCloud’s ten rules for webcomics, first laid down in 2000, to see how they have survived the test of time and technology. Olaf Solstrand has some tips for welcoming new readers who may join your story in the middle of the action. And Scott Kurtz ponders the question of whether artists should try to be businesspeople as well; be sure to read the lengthy comments thread on this one.

ACT-I-VATE moves to print with The ACT-I-VATE Primer.

Kelly Melcher interviews Danielle Corsetto, creator of Girls with Slingshots, at Fandomania.

Tom Gastall covers the Marvel Digital Comics & Beyond panel at San Diego for Comic Book Resources.

Laurel Maury looks at Tim Hamilton’s webcomic adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 for NPR.

Over at Robot 6, my contribution to our weekly What Are You Reading? column was all webcomics last week, with quick takes on Punch an’ Pie and the iPhone comic The Eternal City.

Recent reviews:

Tom Flinn on A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge (ICv2)
J. Caleb Mozzocco on Bayou (Every Day Is Like Wednesday)
asamisgirl on Goodbye Chains (The Yaoi Review)
Lukatraon on Gunnerkrigg Court (Big Shiny Robot)
Larry Cruz on Head Trip (The Webcomic Overlook)
Bart Croonenborghs on Menage a 3 (print edition) (Broken Frontier)


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