It’s official: Zuda Comics is the fairly wide-open door to success that so many webcomickers have been yearning for.
CBR reports that Cartoon Network, yes that Cartoon Network, is fast tracking several Zuda comics, specifically those that won in the first stretch of the contest, to be animated projects in as little as 18 months.
As a co-content provider for the Internet’s leading Zuda critique brigade (official name pending), I can speak to the quality (and not-so-quality) of the Zuda crop and this move is definitely a great thing for all those hopefuls who have already submitted their works or want to someday. Now, you’ve got a possible animated deal mixed in with an increased online presence and possible comic book deals to yearn for!.
Let’s see… the markets are failing… economy’s in a never-ending spiral… the political landscape is inspiring hope in no one…
Steve! Skype me! We gotta fast track this Zuda script of ours, pronto!