Random SDCC notes

Viewed from a distance, the San Diego Comic-Con is something of a dinosaur; people seemed to spend a lot of time getting excited about print comics about guys in tights. But webcomics were there, and they popped up in some surprising places. Like Marvel announcing that they are teaming up with Steven King to do an animated webcomic. Go figure.

Rich Marshall, whose interviews with webcomics creators are on my must-read list, has a webcomics-leaning overview of the con as a whole at ComicMix. He tracked down quite a few artists and writers, so it’s well worth a click.

Over at Fleen, Gary Tyrell did some good coverage-at-a-distance, picking up on video of the Dumbrella panel, Wired‘s interview with R. Stevens, and Wil Wheaton’s video interview.

In the manga world, Korean publisher Netcomics told PWCW that they will start carrying Broccoli manga online. A lot of Broccoli titles are based on games, so this is a good fit.

Howard Tayler of Schlock Mercenary has an amusing blog post about his SDCC experience.

The novelty everyone was talking about was Pop Candy’s Twitter comics, one-panel cartoons based on their Twitter feed. The cartoons are cute but the Flash interface had me reaching for the Dramamine.

Devil’s Due is doing some sort of webcomics competition with the talent scout site TriggerStreet. You upload your comic and people critique it. I tried to look at two comics up on their browse page so far, but you have to register to even read the comics. Way to make me never come back to your site, guys.

Benjamin Ong Pang Kean writes about the Clickwheel comics reader at Newsarama; it allows you to read comics on your iPod or iPhone. They are doing old favorites and original comics, and most of it is already available online if you’re not one of the iFolk yet. Go check ’em out here.

Oh, and did SDCC show up in any webcomics? Why yes it did: Here’s an educational strip from Electronic Tigers, and in Chronicle, Art, the cartoonist, is bewildered by the SDCC experience; the story arc starts here.


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