You need proof? I, The Midnight Cartooner, known to the non-webcomics world as Jason Sigler, am a Kansan. And I have never been prouder of my Great Plains heritage than I was when I discovered this.
The above link will take you to the website of one Sean Tevis, an information architect in Kansas who is now running for State Representative. To appeal to the Web-masses, Tevis has chosen to convey his message the only way everyone on the Internet could understand it; in the form of an XKCD homage.
The tribute was obviously made in MS Paint and not with hand-drawn stickies, as XKCD is, but the style of nerdly dry humor is certainly present and the overall effect is one of hipness flavored with just the right amount of street cred.
For too long, the children of the land of Oz have lain dormant in this nation. it is time to show that we are better than you ever gave us credit for. And we shall start with a State Representative.
His name is Sean Tevis. And he is our leader to greater fortunes.