Figures that as soon as we decide to cover this crazy train called Zuda (3:10 to Zuda jokes, strip forthcoming), someone who has planted their feet firmly in the fertile grounds of webcomics decides to give it a go.
Via ComixTalk (seriously, change the name), I’ve found that Wes Molebash of You’ll Have That fame has thrown his hat into the ring with The Litterbox Chronicles. Check out the eight strip run over on the Zuda site, sign up with the Zuda service (upper-right-hand corner, don’t worry, it’s painless), and bump good ol’ Wes even further into superstardom! And stay tuned for our March Zuda wrap-up, which we will cleverly title in the near future!
I’d hate that Zuda would let it go, but if it does I hope Wes turns it into a webcomic anyway and get it going because it is a great concept nobody’s really tapped into, cats loving sudoku 😀