Web Comic Wrap-up

Talk About Comics – Joey Manley has a nice little write up of Scott McCloud’s book Reinventing Comics. This is a response to the recent drama over the viability of webcomics as a medium. Manley makes several good points concerning how the same old topics are being debated (infinite canvas, micropayments, etc.) even though it’s been 5-8 years since Reinventing Comics was published and how the target audience for the book was to bring comic readers to the web.

Blank Label Comics – Darn these guys for being sneakier and more conniving then us. I don’t know how long it took them but they register comicwindows.com, the url mentioned inthe recent NY Times article.I’m Just Saying – Phil Kahn has posted his auctioned essay for Save Connecticon. The winner was Wade Clark who requested a review of his webcomic Ocular Trama. It’s an insightful review that has me worried about repeating Phil if OT makes it to the top of my review list.

The Trek Life – The final frontier has joined the webcomic world. David Reddick, currently writes and draws for Garfield, has started a new comic “The Trek Life” about three friends at different stages of Trek fandom. The new strip will be hosted at StarTrek.com.

Chronicles of Garas – This unique long form webcomic has just finished chapter 2 with the first page of chapter 3 already posted.


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