Washington Webtoonist Meetup – How often have you met on actual webtoonist? There are thousands of them out there but very few take time out of each month to get together and brain storm. That’s where the Washington Webtoonist Meetup steps in. This month saw Chris, Phil, Jamie, Rob, Joey & Joe, T, and Xerexes get together at the Ballston Common Mall.
Online Comics Vs. Printed – There’s a new book on webcomics as a business. Huh? That’s right, Todd Allen has followed up his first paper, Comics on the Internet: A Business Primer, with another, Online Comics Vs. Printed Comics: A Study in E-Commerce and the Comparative Economies of Content. This paper includes discussions with Bill Jemas, Tony Panaccio (Crossgen), Scott McCloud, Robert Khoo, Joey Manley, Jon Rosenberg, and R Stevens concerning what their methods are.