The web comics community continues to pull together to aid one of the most web comic friendly cons out there, ConnectiCon. At the time of this post over $17,000.00 has been raised in the few days since the Save ConnectiCon site went online. However, this is still just over half of what is ultimately needed to save the con organizers from financial ruin.
As promised, some web comic creators have begun putting original artwork into eBay auctions, the proceeds of which will be donated. Currently Tim Buckley of Ctrl+Alt+Del fame and Shawn Handyside of Staccato have active auctions you can bid on right now. More artists have promised original artwork auctions to come soon. Also, anyone who donates $5 or more on the official Save ConnectiCon site will gain access to a special area of the site with custom wallpapers and other graphic goodies from various web comic contributors.