We have decided to begin accepting advertisements for the DigitalStrips.com web site. You can find all the details, including pricing on our Advertise page. The plans include the top banner ad and two spaces in our right sidebar. We’re adopting a flat fee pricing model and I think we’ve priced the ads in such a way that all levels of web comics can afford to place an ad on our site.
We’re looking primarily for web comics to purchase the space or comic related merchandise or services. We’d like to keep it all topical to what we’re doing here. We are also considering putting in some audio ads for web or print comic stuff into the show, but we haven’t implemented that yet.
What is driving this you ask? Digital Strips has grown at a surprising rate and continues to pick up followers and fans. As such, we have a lot of plans and ideas for expanding our operation. The recent trip to ConnectiCon was such a success for us that we’d like to do more convention coverage, but of course that costs us money out of our own pockets. If Apple implements the bandwidth limits on .Mac accounts like it threatens to we may have a serious hosting issue on our hands. We are asking for sponsors to help curb the cost of running our site and show. Become a sponsor of Digital Strips and help keep us going.
We are also thinking of designing some merchandise as well. T-Shirts, posters, and CD collections of our show are all on the horizon. So, there will be other ways you can help keep us going.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor visit our Advertise page to see what we’re offering and send an email to digital.strips@gmail.com.