Web Comic Toilet Humor … Literally

Cartoonists are traditionally a zany bunch of folks. Due to their chosen profession, or hobby, they tend to find humor in places other people tend not to look, which of course makes their work so entertaining. They also tend to express that humor in interesting ways as well.

Which brings me to Scott Johnson, the cartoonist behind the excellent web comic Extra Life. Scott has chosen a new medium for his work and he wishes to share it with the world … well, the world’s bathroom. On eBay right now you can bid on a piece of Scott’s original cartoon work displayed on the top of a toilet seat cover. He took the broad empty white space and filled it with his original characters and doodles and it can be yours if you win the bid. Any true fan of web comics would be proud to display this fine piece of artwork in their own john.

This has to be some kind of first in web comics. T. Campbell, are you listening? This has to go into your history of web comics book for sure!


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