Contest Entry Clarification

We got a complaint about how there wasn’t a contest entry posted with this week’s show announcement and before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion let me explain. All the contest entries will be posted along with the show announcements each week. Yes, I skipped this week because some coding still needed to be done surrounding the gallery section of the site.

For those of you who care, most of the code you see on, if you look under the hood, is being dynamically generated. The way I worked it makes it much easier to manage the site in the future, like adding or renaming pages. The code surrounding the gallery wasn’t quite working right yet as of the this week’s show post, so instead of running the risk of having someone’s entry looking all wrong I left it out. I’ve since fixed it all and the contest entries will resume being displayed one at a time next week.

All the contest entries and links to everyone’s sites are online and on display in the gallery section of our site and will remain there for as long as this site is online. I promise.

I hope this clears up any confusion and hopefully this will be the last issue associated with our move to our own domain. Thanks!


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