It’s always a proud moment when one of your own does something noteworthy and today, we at Digital Strips can share in that pride.
Our very own webmaster and resident fix-the-Internet-it’s-broken-again guy, Jerry Stephens, is proud to announce that his webcomic management system, BitArtist, is now out of beta and open to the public! Here’s the official word from Jerry himself:
Last month I mentioned that I’d put out a webcomic management system, BitArtist. At that time it was in the beta-testing stage and people were encouraged to submit bugs so that I could get a stable release out to the public. Well, I’m happy to say that BitArtist is now in its first stable release version, version 1.0, and it’s ready for the world.
If you were one of the beta testers and are running release candidate 3, there is no
need to download and reinstall the stable release as no bugs were found in RC3, or at least none were reported anyway. Otherwise, you’ll need to download the latest version and install it.
There’s information on configuring and installing the software on the support wiki, and the bug tracker is still open for any bugs that may turn up eventually. I’m also in the middle of setting up a support forum, in case there are problems that arise which aren’t covered in the documentation.
Check it out and let us and Jerry know what you think! I’ll be trying it out myself soon, though you might as well go ahead and subtitle that post, “~OR~ How I Broke My PC Beyond Repair.”